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~ Shana Kramer, Sisterhood of the Young Israel of Boca Raton
Children’s author Bracha Goetz headlined a beautiful event for the Sisterhood of the Young Israel of Boca Raton this past summer. The ladies of our Shul were treated to a lovely night out at a local coffee/dessert shop and browsed a beautiful display of Mrs. Goetz’s books.
When Mrs. Goetz rose to speak, she delighted the audience by telling her moving and funny life story in RHYME! Her transition from a secular medical student at Harvard to an Eishes Chayil and Aim HaBanim S’meicha in Yerushalayim made for an uplifting and charming narrative. The question-and-answer period at the end was enlightening and inspiring as well. Her well-known talent as a writer is joined by her gift as a guest speaker and we hope she will return soon!
~ Chazkeinu Coordinator
On behalf of all our listeners, I would like to express our appreciation to you for coming on the line and speaking for us.
You brought so much empowerment and validation. The topic is something we can all learn from, and you presented it with such clarity, wisdom, and warmth. So much of what you shared was really enlightening and the listeners felt heard - so thank you! Your amazing work is really making an impact on the entire Jewish community and it's comforting to know that there is hope.
Thank you!
~ Mrs. Chanie Falk, Torah Umesorah Lakewood
Mrs. Goetz gave a workshop to tens of teachers this past summer in Torah Umesorah. The teachers were enthralled with her messages as an author, her brilliant understanding of children, and lovely personality.
~ Mrs. Chana Keleman
Last night I attended a delightful Melava Malka in Beitar during which Bracha Goetz shared her life journey with us, using poetry, song and drama. She performed eight different episodes, each one an adventure, each one moving, and thought-provoking. We watched her portray her gradual journey in Judaism and the emotional and intellectual upheavals that this awakening involved. We travelled with her through her history, from the ambitious academia of Harvard to the soul-discovery that came about in Israel, all told over with insight, self-knowledge, and charming simplicity.
Her audience spanned ages from young-ish to old-ish, and all different types of Anglo-Israeli women were represented, yet clearly, everyone was moved. Thank you, Bracha, for sharing your fascinating life-story with us! It was an enriching and inspiring performance!
~ Sheila Nashofer, Program Coordinator, JEC Elmora Shul
This past Shabbos, our Shul- the Jewish Educational Center- had the pleasure of hosting Bracha Goetz as a featured speaker for our women's group.
Her name alone drew an unprecedented crowd of women on a short, very cold Shabbos. And it was well worth it! Bracha's presentation was heartwarming and sincere, creative and inspirational. Everyone who attended walked away with an uplifted feeling and the chizuk to try and reach out to others who might be going through the same spiritual tribulations that Bracha experienced.
Bracha is a consummate speaker- she draws her audience into her life with her captivating and enlightening style combining poetry, song, and commentary. Her delivery is exceptional.
As the program coordinator and a board member of the JEC Elmora Shul, I recommend Bracha Goetz thoroughly. She is sure to be enjoyed by young and old alike!
~ Lindsay McNamara, Resident Program Director, Springhouse Assisted Living
On behalf of the residents at Springhouse Assisted Living, I would like to thank you for your wonderful presentation on “Passing Humor On To The Next Generation”. The residents truly enjoyed hearing your book and discussing what they can give to their families. So often, our seniors can feel like they have nothing left to give; your ideas made them remember they still have valuable lessons to teach. Your ideas were great and your personality truly fits your upbeat presentation. Thank you again for coming and sharing such a wonderful topic with us.
~ Rabbi Mayer Kurcfeld
Thank you for the most beautiful and inspirational words that you shared with us all in your presentation at Pearlstone. Your very imaginative and deep poems and your writing style really touched everyone's heart and soul. I was very inspired too, by your entire journey to becoming Torah observant. It gave us all much to reflect on and value in our lives.
Your presentation was definitely one of the highlights of the entire Yom Tov... an experience that I will not soon forget!
~ Rabbi Yaakov Lynn, Dean & Director, Meorot Yerushalayim
Bracha Goetz was an amazingly popular speaker at our seminary. She kept the girls completely engaged for an hour presentation, and then the students begged her to stay so they could ask her follow-up questions. Many of the students were so inspired and moved by her story that they had tears in their eyes. She was the most popular guest speaker we had all year!!!
~ Marlene Resnick, Sisterhood President, Moses Montefiore Anshe Emuna Liberty Jewish Center
I just had to let you know how much everyone enjoyed your presentation at the Moses Montefiore Anshe Emuna Liberty Jewish Center Sisterhood meeting – especially me – you are spirituality personified! We look forward to seeing you again soon!
~ Nellie Vladim, Activity Director, Tudor Heights Assisted Living
The residents of Tudor Heights want to express their sincere gratitude and thanks for the delightful presentation of your wonderful poetry and insightful discussion about your amazing life. You are an inspiration to all of us.
~ Esther Gross, Sisterhood Program Chair, Beth Tfiloh
Thank you for your presentation! Your life transformation was enthralling,
and you held your audience captive--no small feat when you're addressing a
group of diverse people. The audience loved it!! -
~ Ruth Hoffman, Bnei Jacob Shaarei Zion Sisterhood
Though reports of you were glowing,
We'd no idea of where we were going.
So off we went to begin our touring,
(And must confess it was never boring.)
You led us through depths and spoke of such sights -
The places you'd been before reaching the heights!
So with much “ado,” and plenty of fuss –
We're so grateful to you for Touring with us!
Thank you again for being such a lovely Guest Speaker at the luncheon of the Senior Sisterhood of the Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Sisterhood today.
~ Mrs. Leora Frank, N'shei Beitar
In an external world that can take us away from ourselves, Bracha Goetz's sharing of her past struggles along her journey helps put us in a space of being with our own humanity, in a deep and centered way.
I learned SO much from your fascinating presentation and was really inspired. You are so knowledgeable, and wow, it was eye opening. I see now why you are so joyous -- you are living and practicing this awareness. I also have a window into how you and your husband were able to raise such awesome children. You focused on their positive qualities. You are an amazing presenter.
~ Avigail Gelber
On behalf of Etz Chaim of Owings Mills and the women of "Girls Nite Out", I'd like to thank you for your inspiring, educational, and fun presentation! It was such a special opportunity for us to meet you and learn from you - what an amazing evening!
~ Rabbi Ysoscher Katz
I have incredibly profound memories from your presentation at the Pesach at Pearlstone Retreat Center. It was moving, inspiring, and left a lasting and indelible impression on me.
~ Sheila Stern, Haddasah Chapter Program Director
The Hadassah audience loved your presentation! You came across as sincere,
delightful, brilliant and compassionate. Thank you so much from all of us!